Aegis Financial Assistance

Aegis is committed to hunt the best brain and edify their career for the ever-challenging and booming Telecom world by providing them financial assistance. We believe that due to financial problem talent should not be deprived of opportunities. Aegis helps students financially in form of

  1. Scholarships

  2. Study Loan from Banks

  3. Work Assistance ship (Through consultancy and Project Work)

  4. Aegis Financial Assistance

Scholarship is an approach to reward the best and of paramount importance for a student. These scholarships are highly competitive and prestigious. For a scholarship, the main criterion is strong academic background and research potential, which will be assessed through interview, past academic records and performance in I and II terms.

Following scholarships are offered at AST
a) Aegis Scholar for overall performance to outstanding student.
b) Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship for outstanding student in the field of Telecommunication studies.
c) Shyam Telecom scholarship

2. Study Loans from Banks
Sanctioned Bank loan letters of some students are available on site at given address below.
Following bank have offered education loans to students of AST, which cover tuition fees as well as entire living expenses of one year without any security (Property mortgage). The loan is subjected to the terms and condition of banks on case-to-case basis.

i. State Bank of India
ii. State Bank of Indore
iii. Canara Bank
Details of Sanctioned loan letters of some students Available at

Bank Loan Document PDF

3. Work Assistance ship
Aegis students can take up work assistance ship in form of project work or as a trainee in companies like BSNL, Bharti and other telecom companies for which they will be paid purely on man-hour basis.
Aegis students can also take up teaching assignments or assistance ships for various undergraduate programs in Engineering and Professional Colleges.
Work Assistance ship Application Form available on

4. Aegis Financial Assistance
Aegis School of Telecommunication provides financial support to students. This cover the tuition fees in part or full to needy candidates. This financial support is subjected to condition that the Candidate will repay the entire amount of Financial Assistance with interest, once he acquires a job.
This support is purely on need base and the committee will decide the amount of tuition fees funding on case-to-case basis for students enrolled at Aegis.
Application form available at

All these funding, scholarships is eligible for students who have secured admission at Aegis.