Aegis School of Telecommunication

The Aegis (also written egis) was the mantle and shield of Zeus, for even the king of the gods needed protection in his war with the Titans. Zeus lent the aegis to his daughter Athena (Athene) when she fought on the side of the Greeks in the Trojan War. Homer describes it as a kind of cloak. Whether it was a cloak or a shield, it undoubtedly had protective powers, since on it were serpents and the head of a Gorgon, which turned those who looked at it into stone.
“Arthur Daley, Sports Columnist, The New York Times”

Aegis mission is to provide knowledge shield to Indian Telecom sector through offering world-class training, consultancy and research.

Brief History
Aegis School of Telecommunication (AST), has been established in 2002 at Indore inside IPS Academy (Ranked Top B-school in India), with a vision to make India a strong base of knowledge economy. It is committed to accomplish its vision through imparting proper education by creating the space and opportunity for students to realize their learning goals in the right direction.

Our goal is to provide students with practical, real-world experience that they can apply to their environment for immediate results. Our passion is to turn knowledge into action. The School has been established with an objective of providing skill oriented quality education to the candidates in the proliferating field of Telecommunication Management.

This very vision will be transformed into realty under the able guidance of Dr. Ramesh Sharda, Conoco Chair and Regents Prof. of Management Science and Information Systems, Oklahoma State University, is Chairperson International Curriculum Advisory Board and Dr. P.B. Sharma, Principal DCE, Former Vice Chancellor, Rajeev Gandhi Technology University of MP, Bhopal India is Chair Person - Academic Council.

With a highly talented team at work, proven capabilities, state of art infrastructure and above all a strong commitment to serve the telecom industry, we are well positioned to be a pioneer in Telecom training and provide best-suited manpower to this industry.
   “What we don't require are just Managers
           We require more than Managers
                  We require Renaissance Leaders”.

The old models of producing either general managers or functional specialists are no longer adequate in today's environment. What is needed is truly a broad gauged leader who has the ability to cross perform tasks of different functional areas. The need of the hour is 'Renaissance Leaders'.

But the vital question remains the same i.e. “Where will you get the required skills and prerequisites to be Renaissance leader?”
The desire to provide you the answers to these questions paved a way to the foundation of Aegis School of telecommunication.

Mr. Bhupesh Daheria, Founder CEO of AST
Director, G4 Solutions UK Ltd.
[email protected]

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Aegis School of Telecommunication